Yesterday us funnies a lot of, first firework to Xocomil, us up as two games, after us popped to the buttonhole, were a good while there, after us lost by a timeout, I was with my friend Andrea, were looking for, but us to put to any slides, us we put to shout, but us amuses much, but to the finish us joins and us firework to bath, to changes because we had that eat for no have our stomach empty, after us firework to Xetulul.
Us firework to Xetulul, any my companions is put to the boat and is ponian to shout because is looked well high the boat, of there is rised to the mountain russian and I no me meti to all them games, alone I was to play to them cars chocones, to then ponies and the game of the of the water, began to rain and stopped all them games less the mountain russian and we us dip, firework to buy a ice-cream, us staies inside to eat ours ice-creams, of there go out to annoy a little, firework to there are the jaguar, but they stand slombers, after us firework, because no stopped of rain and us led afterwards to the bus and us firework for to the school.